Monday, 20 May 2013

My 16th Birthday Present Wishlist - so far!

Hello to you!

So in November this year, I will be turning 16 and around September/October when my parents start buying presents, I always have no idea what I want! This year, I decided to make a list earlier then throughout the year I can edit it and change it to new things that I might like. Originally this list was a LOT longer so I have narrowed it down, and I will probably be adding and changing products a lot over the next few months...Anyway, here is the list so far!

Main Present: New Laptop (the one I am using at the moment it so old, I feel like it could break any second! I need a new one ASAP!)
Orange/Purple Tangle Teezer - Zoella introduced me to these, and my hair gets very knotty so I have been dying to get one. I will probably buy one for myself next month, but i'll keep this one on the list! You can never have too many!
Yankee Candle - I looooove candles, and Yankee Candles are the best! I definitely want to grow my collection of these.
Radio Alarm Clock - I hate my current alarm clock so much! I would love to be woken up buy BBC Radio 1 instead :)
Body Shop Coconut Body Butter - Had this quite a while ago, loved it.
Soap & Glory Shower Gel £6.50 - you guys already know about my soap and glory addictions!
Lush -Bath Bomb/Lip Scrub - I adore the lush bath bombs, and I tried the lip scrub last year! I wanna stock up on some lush products.
Matches for candles - simple, but I need some ;)
iTunes gift card - i'm always spending money on iTunes!
Ninja Turtle Backpack - Jenna Marbles fans will understand. Love it.
Bright & Black Tights - For summer I have bought more shorts and skirts, so I need some more tights for when it gets colder!
Exercise Ball - I'm not quite sure why, I just really want one of these.

Let me know in the comments if you have any of these things already, or if you have a birthday wishlist! Thanks for reading!



  1. The coconut body butter is amazing! They do a really good dupe in Marks and Spencers. Same smell and near enough the same texture!
    Great post, I would actually love an exercise ball too haha!

    1. aw haha thanks for letting me know! i'll look for it next time i go to m&s :D glad you liked it! yeah, what is it that is so appealing about exercise balls? haha! xx

    2. I really have no idea! It's sort of weird how we want one.. I just want to try and stand on one to be honest!xx

    3. haha! i would just like to be able to roll myself down a corridor :D it would be so entertaining for the first week hahaha! xx

    4. Knowing me I'd like it for an hour then get so bored, I'd try and pop it!xx

    5. hahahaha! that would be paaaainfum! i would go to the gym and put like 10 in a row, then i would roll down all of them;) xx

    6. I'm going to try that next time I go to the gym haha!xx

  2. I love yankee candles and actually have one lit in my room right now! T hey really are worth the money :) I've been looking out for a tangle teezer too! Everyone seems to rave about them and I have not hair like you! I know you birthday is a little while off but would love to know your thoughts when you get it xxx

    1. woohoo! yeah, they are pretty expensive but they last for ages!:D i have been looking for them everywhere then one day i saw them in boots without realizing! i think i will have to buy one soon because as soon as i get money i won't be able to resist :) ok, i'll put it in a haul video and do a mini review if you like! xxx
