Monday, 1 July 2013

10 easy ways to be healthier

Hello to you!

So every few months, I will go through a phase of trying to become very healthy and start exercising more...needless to say, these phases last about 2 days before I go back to my normal chocolate eating self! I realised my problem was that I was trying to completely change my lifestyle in one go, which would be far too difficult to stick to. I am trying to stick to these 10 easy ways to change your lifestyle to be a little bit healthier, and hopefully it will make all of the difference! Obviously I am no expert on this at all, but little things like this should make all the difference.

1. Drink more water. This one is easy-peasy, try to drink at least 1-2 bottles of water a day! This way you will be keeping hydrated, and this is really good for your skin too. If you are one of those people who don't like the 'taste' of water (I don't really get this), then you could have squash or juice as well.

2. Switch chocolate for a slightly healthier alternative every now and then. Of course chocolate is the first option for a quick snack, but once in a while you should switch to something like fruit or a light snack instead. It would also help if you didn't buy chocolate because if it isn't in your house, then you won't be as tempted! I know it's hard, but chocolate is addictive and it would be a lot better to have an orange instead!

3. Try and do 10 minutes of simple exercise a day. Ask any of my friends, I am a very lazy person and I will do whatever I can do to get out of exercising. The only form of exercise I love doing is hula hooping, but obviously this isn't for everyone! What I have discovered on youtuber recently are 'dance workouts'. These get you exercising but it is more fun, and personally I love all the false smiles and hilarious motivational quotes from the trainer! It's a more fun way to get exercise, and I find the videos really funny to watch.

4. Try new, healthier snacks! These don't have to be complicated, just a few little snacks that are easy to make and a lot healthier than chips or things like that! Some of my personal favourites include:
Toast with hummus and cucumber
Sliced apple and cheddar cheese
Toasted fruit bread
Strawberries and sugar (perfect in summer!)
and there are probably loads more that you can invent, but these are the ones I have most often.

5. Walk instead of drive. I don't mean you should walk 10 miles to work and back every day, I mean on any shorter walks. Do you really need to get that bus into town? Can't you just walk to the shops instead? If they aren't that far away, maybe you should re-think whether you want to drive there or not. Also, it will save you petrol money if you walk!

6. Try to get a better night's sleep - one hour can make all the difference! I would be lying if I said I don't sit up on tumblr and youtube for hours and hours every night. I am going to try to come off the internet slightly sooner, even if you go to sleep only half an hour earlier than usual - that's still a great improvement!

7. Avoid fizzy drinks. I'll have the odd fizzy drink but I am not that keen on them, I am rather fussy with my drinks! The only time I will drink anything fizzy is if it is in a glass with ice, none of this can or bottle nonsense. There are 10 spoonfuls of sugar in one coca cola can alone, and they are terrible for your teeth, your weight, your skin,'s better to cut them out altogether, along with energy drinks and anything really artificial!

8. Don't make it your goal to lose weight, make it your goal to get healthier. Nowadays, too many people think the only reason to become healthier is to lose weight. Although being healthier will help you lose weight, don't make it your only goal! As long as you are healthy, you should be happy and it should never be your goal to just lose weight.

9. Eat more fruit and veg. This is another really simple one, if there is any way you can get more fruit or veg into your meal then do it! Your dinner plate should be a rainbow of colours, try make your plate filled with more veg and colour and less white/processed food. Fruit and vegetables are so easy to incorporate into your diet, so try it! (I'm a poet and I didn't know it, look at that.)

10. Give yourself one day a week where you can give in to your unhealthy side! It would be impossible to try and cut out chocolate and chips and unhealthy food completely, so give yourself a day where you can eat that chocolate bar, or order a takeaway!

I am not saying you should cut unhealthy food out of your diet completely, but if you can cut it down even a little bit then that's great and gradually you will find it easier and easier. I am slowly trying to become a little bit healthier, and I hope you guys can try it with me! We can be like a little blog support group ;) anyway, I hope this post has given you some ideas and motivation for getting healthier! Let me know if you want to see more posts like this, and feel free to share your own tips in the comments. I'd appreciate it! :)

(This is a picture of toast with hummus and's d-e-l-i-c-i-o-u-s!)


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