Thursday, 14 February 2013

Makeup and other products to keep in your school bag...

Hello to you! Back so soon?

Today i'm going to be doing a post about what makeup and products you should keep in your school bag, either for touch-ups or use in general. Anyway, these lists will vary for each person so if you like this idea then you can adapt it to your style. Also I apologize for the awful quality pictures, I could get decent lighting anywhere but I tried my best.

Anyway, here goes nothing!

So this is some of the stuff I keep in the front pocket of my bag:

  • Boots Own - Makeup wipes
  • Collection 2000 Mascara (don't know the name of it, sorry!)
  • Natural Collection Lipgloss - Cherry Drop
  • Eyelash Curler
  • Rimmel Eyeliner Sharpener
  • Soap & Glory Kick Ass Concealer
  • Barry M Kohl Eyeliner, black and white
  • Carex - Original hand sanitizer

So I always try to keep makeup wipes in my bag in case you need them. This could be because your makeup has melted on your face during P.E, or simply because you made a mistake while re-applying makeup. I just find it useful because you never know when you might need them, so it's always good to have some...even if you don't wear makeup! You could be your friend's life-saver ;)

Glasses/Contact lense solution - now I know some people have perfect vision (i'm ever so jealous if you do) but if you are blind like me, it's always good to keep your glasses with you. I don't wear my glasses all the time, and normally I forget them when I need them most. If you keep them in the front of your bag, you can grab them when you need them without having to squint! Believe me, squinting is a bad look. I know only too well. I used to wear contact lenses every day, but sometimes they can dry up a bit or your eyes can be feeling sore so having contact lense solution on hand is a great idea.

Lipgloss - I always have lipgloss with me in school because it's a staple beauty product! Whether your lips are dry or you just want to have shinier lips, lipgloss is the way forward! This is probably one of the only makeup products you can apply all the time in lessons without getting in trouble because you don't need a mirror to do it and if you play your cards right, you can convince your teachers it's lip balm. This is a school bag essential!

Mascara - This is another staple beauty products as even one coat of mascara can brighten up your eyes. If you tend to run late going to school like me, apply this in the car or bus - just be careful, you don't want to be applying it while you're on a bumpy road, you could end up with it in your eyes! And if you don't have makeup wipes with you, it could be a DISASTER. You don't want to go into school looking like a panda!

Eyelash Curler - you don't necessarily need this with you, but they are quite nice just to give your eyelashes some extra oomph. (Yes I did just say oomph - it's a great word!) I used to believe that eyelash curlers didn't make much difference but they really do. The best thing about eyelash curlers is you don't need to fork out loads of money to get a good quality one - the one i'm using at the moment was in a christmas cracker! (Side note - just make sure it isn't so cheap that it will ruin your eyes...if the cushion-y part on the eyelash curler isn't good enough, there is a potential risk that you could slice your eyelashes in half. Trust me, no amount of mascara could fix that! If this has also happened to you, you will know that they take 3-4 months to grow back to regular size. If you are really scared about slicing your eyelashes off then you can get a more expensive one, but for 99% of the time they work exactly the same.)

Once again, this is not a necessary product really. If you tend to wear pencil eyeliner and re-apply it a lot during the day, you might want on of these! This is my Rimmel eyeliner sharpener, (NOT the same as a pencil sharpener - don't make this mistake!) and I keep it with me because I hate using blunt eyeliner. This isn't really one you need in your makeup bag but if you have the room, you might as well bring it! (Go big or go home ;) but seriously, if you carry all your makeup with you then you might as well have this with you too)

Eyeliner pencils - obviously if you don't wear eyeliner then you won't need this, but it's quite good to keep one with you for re-applying - pencil eyeliner gets quite smudgy throughout the day, and if you don't have your eyeliner with you then it will just all come off. I have a white eyeliner which I apply to my waterline as it really brightens up your eyes! This is another thing I would probably apply in the car, because if you wake up 10 minutes before you leave the house like me, it's probably best you use some simple eye-brightening makeup don't want to look like a zombie all day! It really does make a big difference to your face.

Concealer - This is my soap & glory concealer which is quite worn down now! I think concealer is really good to keep in your school bag because it really makes you look more awake and blemish free :) even if you don't wear foundation, concealer is really good just to cover up small things like uneven skin pigmentation, spots and even a few freckles if you want! It's a school bag must have :)

Hand sanitizer - for school days, this is definitely something you'll want in your bag. I don't know what I would do without it. Hand sanitizer is perfect for everyday school occasions. Whether it's touching year-old gum under the desk, using the horrible soap in the girl's toilets, or even accidentally brushing your hand across the arm of the creepy guy sat next to you on the bus while reaching for the stop button...all of these events will leave you reaching for the hand sanitizer. You'll thank me later.

Thankyou for reading, I've been checking up on my page views and it says I have some readers from across the world! That's pretty exciting! Most people are from England like me, but there are also people from the USA, Canada and Germany! Hello to all of you! 

I hope this has maybe given you some ideas of what you would like to keep in your school bag. Anything else you would keep in your school bag? Do you bring your makeup bag to school with you? Let me know in the comments!



  1. Hi Lottie! Hand sanitizer really is a must have, never leave the house without it! Nice post.
