Monday, 18 March 2013

GCSE & Exam revision tips!

Hello to you!

As you may know, I am currently in year 10 therefore I am currently doing some of my GCSE's. In my school, we started some of our GCSE's last year - weird, I know. So far I have currently done exams and controlled assessments in English, French, Science, History, Art, Hospitality BTEC and Drama. (The reason I only have Hospitality at BTEC is because I did it last year and BTEC was the only option. Catering GCSE is available for people this year and I put it as my first choice, but it was a very popular choice so I am doing Art this year instead...i'm not very good at Art, but it has actually been quite good so far! Anyway, i'm going off topic very quickly. I'm going to give you some tips for mostly 5 core lessons.


Now in English, you tend to write essays and controlled assessments. In my past exams I have gotten A's and A*'s, and i'm not quite sure how to be honest! All I can say is if you are allowed a plan (which you are in most essays/controlled assessments), make sure you only use the key things you will need as you cannot make it too detailed. In our school we use PEEE (take a moment to laugh at that), which stands for Point/Evidence/Explanation/Exploration. (*Your main point*...we know this because...this shows...this ALSO shows...etc etc.) Basically just try to make sure your plan is understandable to you! Also in the exam, make sure you make everything detailed and analyzed without going off subject too much. ALWAYS RELATE BACK TO THE QUESTION!


With science, it's pretty straightforward. Make sure you think of key words and learn the definitions, use kerboodle, samlearning, BBC Bitesize...(sorry I realize these websites won't be very useful if you don't live in Britain). I watched a lot of science based youtube videos as they were like tutorials for learning about the specific subject you were stuck on! (I.E. osmosis, velocity and time graphs, organelles, etc) Keep flashcards for writing down equations, make booklets with each specific subject to a page...just write down as much info as you can!


For essays and assessments, this is easy. Learn it sentence by sentence. This may sound boring and ridiculously slow, but it works! Take each paragraph and break it down sentence by sentence, and highlight each part you find hard to remember. This means in the exam, you will be able to remember the words you keep forgetting and you will have slowly started to remember the order of sentences! If this doesn't work, think of what you say in English (obviously not long and complicated sentences, keep it simple) and write it down in French! Hey presto, better grades.


3 things for history. Structure your draft essay, back up every point with evidence, and always relate what you write back to the question. If you do this with your draft or plan, your grade will increase easily. Just remember, structure/evidence/relate back to question! If you keep that in your mind during the exam, you're sorted!

So I hope you found this useful! If there are any other lessons you need revision tips in, let me know in the comments and I will either update this post or write it up in the comments! Thanks for reading, hope this will help you with your exam revision, and good luck!


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