Wednesday, 27 February 2013

50 Shades of Me! (Facts about me, don't worry nothing weird!)

Hello to you! Today I thought I should do a post about me. Now I could probably make a very long post about each thing on the list, but I will try to keep it short and sweet. If you like it, maybe in the future I will make a list of 10 things about me…but explain each thing in more detail. Yes/No? Okay, here we go!

1. My real name is Charlotte, but no-one ever calls me that!
2. I am vegetarian.
3. I have been hula hooping since I was 8 years old.
4. I have always loved making videos and writing.
5. I would LOVE to have a career to do with making youtube videos and blogging, but it seems so difficult to actually get known…I WILL TRY MY HARDEST!
6. I am a very stubborn/determined person.
7. I am left handed!
8. I pretty much have no social life as I spend 99% of my free time on the internet. No. Lie.
9. I love so many Youtubers, but my current favourite are Danisnotonfire and Amazingphil. Fangirling over them right now!
10. I love going to festivals, you can be as weird as you like and not get judged at all!
11. Thanks to Danisnotonfire, I never stop thinking about the fact that we only have one life and then we die, so we have to make the most of it. Thanks Dan. (#YOLO)
12. I love it when people think I’m funny, but then I feel pressured to try and act funny.
13. I love minecraft pocket edition. *How sad is my life*
14. I have so many teddies in my room but I can’t get rid of them – MEMORIES!
15. I have kept an on/off diary for over 8 years. Same diary all this time! Proud.
16. I used to be quite a gossipy person, but I am actually really good at keeping secrets! Shock horror.
17. I have become closer to so many people in the last year, some who I never even used to speak to! Happy days eh J
18. My favourite colour is purple. My hair is currently dip dyed purple…
19. I have size 3 feet.
20. I am 5ft tall!
21. I go swimming every Wednesday with my friends as my mum works somewhere with a PRIVATE SWIMMING POOL! Oh yes.
22. Last year I was talent spotted for an award show on nickelodeon! I didn’t win, but I met so many awesome people. One of the best days of my life. I’ll make a blog post on this sometime J
23. I really want to go to America one day.
24. When I was 13, I got my hair cut short. I don’t regret it but it’s a bitch and a half to grow out.
25. I have a shaved side on my head…I want to grow it out, but I don’t have the guts yet!
26. I have an extreme fear of sick…I always hated it but last year at an after-party, pretty much everyone except me and like 2 other people got drunk…good Gollum, left me scarred for life. And yes I did just say good Gollum.
27. I have a serious caffeine addiction.
28. I have been drinking tea since I was about 3 years old!
29. I love interior design.
30. I met Joe Swash and Laura Whitmore backstage at nickelodeon and spoke with them for a while…at the time, I didn’t know who they were.
31. At nickelodeon I also met Pixie Lott, Tyler James, Jordan Banjo, Kimberly Wyatt, Amelia Lily, and loads more…I really will have to do a blog post on my experience at nickelodeon one day! I promise!
32. I have a huge scar on my forehead. 
33. I used to hate my eyebrows so much, but now I think they are okay…not great, but not terrible!
34. I used to think I had a sixth sense…I think I was just weird.
35. I have tried and failed so many times to write a whole story…on my computer, I have about 7 half finished stories that are total rubbish!
36. I’ve been told my writing is a bit zany and I write how I speak…so I thought starting a blog would be an awesome idea!
37. I want to do more beauty posts as it has become more about me…(if anyone wants reviews about products let me know in the comments!)
38. One of my best friends has over 8,000 followers on twitter. I barely have 400 yet... Yay, internet!
39. I *almost* have 700 followers on instagram, which is quite cool. 
40. I saw Ed Sheeran live in October, and forced my best friend to wait an hour and 15 minutes afterwards to meet him. GOT HIS AUTOGRAPH TWICE!
41. I always get really excited when a youtuber has retweeted/replied/favourited my tweet as they have acknowledged my existence.
42. I have a massive family.
43. I have never smoked, never done drugs, and never gotten really drunk.
44. I waste so much of my money on total crap.
45. I love chocolate fingers. I ate 3 boxes of them in less than 2 days.
46. I am probably quite an attention seeking person, but not in a horrible way…I wouldn’t make up something about myself to get noticed, it’s more just like I don’t like being ignored. (Funny story on this another time I suppose)
47. I have no motivation to work. Ever.
48. I genuinely have no idea how I managed to get an A* on one of my English exams, I feel proud but confused…
49. I want a job in medicine/media, but I am still a performer in some ways so…
50. I want to be able to look back at my life and think ‘Dayum, I did a good job there. Well done me. *Dies*

So there ya go, some things about me that you may not have known before! Let me know what kind of posts you want to see and I’ll try get them done, thanks for reading! (I hope I haven’t scared any potential followers away haha!)


Monday, 25 February 2013

Why I Am Still Immature...

Well hello to you!

Lovely weather today, isn't it?

Wrong. It's frickin freezing. Anywaaaay, today I realized how immature I actually am.

"Whaaaat," I hear you shout from the back row of the cinema?

Well. I already knew I was immature, but after hearing stories about the 3 year old my mum works with sometimes...I realized how similar to that child. Except from the fact I am 15 years old...oh dear.

WELL the main point of this post wasn't to talk about my similarities to a 3 year old, it's about this:

Why is being immature a bad thing? Technically I am not even an adult until i'm 18 (or 21 for all you sexy Americans out there) and once I am an adult, I can no longer get away with the socially awkward things I do every day! Just to name a few...

  • Tripping over a cone with the same foot about 4 times before falling down
  • Attaching spoons to magnets in restaurants
  • Walking into doors
  • Dancing in the school corridors when you think nobody is watching
  • Singing in class
  • Making faces at myself in the mirror
Um, yeah. I probably sound like I am 'special' now...would you believe me if I told you I used to be the smartest person in my class?

Didn't think so. I actually was, and I am still in all the top groups in year 10 but I still haven't grown up! Is there something wrong with me? Or do I just act how other people wish they could without being judged? I guess i'll never know. I mean, there are girls in my year with loads of piercings, wear ridiculous footwear and spend hours on their hair, boys that get drunk every weekend and smoke weed, and i'm just sat here like CATS LOL

What is my life though?! I find myself saying this about 40 times in a lesson while scrolling on tumblr under the table and fangirling over Danisnotonfire and Amazingphil in suits. To be honest, I quite like the fact that I am still so immature..I think I get away with it more than most people would because I am small, and easily mistaken for a 12-13 year old. I AM 16 THIS YEAR BUT I STILL CAN'T EVEN GET INTO 15 MOVIES AT THE CINEMA! How depressing.

Does anyone else feel the same way as me? Is anyone else reading this and totally relating? I'm almost 1000% sure I am not the only person who thinks like this.

I would just like to add, even though I am immature I still have those deep philosophical thoughts in my brain about the universe and everything...just because I am immature doesn't mean I am stupid! :)

Hope you liked this post, please let me know if you feel the same way - if you do then HI, join my blog and we can have awesome discussions on this! Ok, this page feels kind of empty so i'll leave you with a cat picture and a quote. 



Sunday, 24 February 2013

My Youtube Videos

Hello to you!

As you may or may not know, I have a youtube account. It is very different to this blog as it is mostly spoof/funny videos, but I would totally do other videos as well if people were interested in my videos.

I have spent the last hour and a half making and editing a youtube video which I am currently saving now...the thing is, I don't have a decent camera or laptop so I do it all on my phone. This means it comes out blurry and not very good quality, even though I have spent ages on it. I would love to get a new camera but I don't know what kind I would want, and I would be paying for half of it so it couldn't be ridiculously expensive.

Anyway, the main point of this blog post was to say if you have any video ideas I can do then let me know...I don't just do spoof-type videos, I will do other types of stuff like reviews and hauls or vlogs! I'm up for any kind of video so let me know if you have ideas...I love doing the videos even though it's quite hard work, but I hope you like them! (Yes they are bad quality but I TRY OK)

Thanks for reading, sorry this wasn't a very long post but I need to catch up on a ridiculous amount of work I have put off this half term...i'll keep trying to blog regularly, I originially posted everyday but I wouldn't be able to stick to the moment I am posting every other day or 2-4 times a week! Let me know if you have any videos or blog ideas in the comments :)



Thursday, 21 February 2013

Mini Soap&Glory Haul and Review (and Ted Baker Discovery)

Hello to you!

Today my brother went to Boots to get his glasses fixed, and I had money so of course I took this opportunity to spend it all! I went straight to the Soap and Glory section as you probably would expected, and I found some lovely things as usual. I wanted to buy something a bit different this time, and there was a 3 for 2 deal! (I also discovered a cosmetic line by someone called Ted Baker, and some of the stuff was pretty found obsession? Watch this space!) So here's what I got:

  • Soap & Glory Glam-A-Lot Body Spray (250ml) - £6.50
  • Soap & Glory Scrub 'Em and Leave 'Em Body Buff (50ml) - £2.50
  • Ted Baker London Body Spray (150ml) - £5
  • Soap & Glory Hand Mail Gel (Hand Sanitizer, 50ml) - £2.50

Left to Right - S&G Glam-A-Lot, Ted Baker Body Spray, S&G Hand Maid, S&G Body Buff.

  1. This is Soap & Glory's Body Spray, Glam-A-Lot. Soap & Glory have 2 main body sprays, which are Mist You Madly and the one above. It reads: Fragrant Body Spray, with Fresh Flowers layered on a Woody, Vanilla Musk Base. *Sprays* It has a really nice smell to it, very musty but with a really nice floral smell. The packaging is gorgeous, but the bottle itself looks rather disappointing. (Will add picture below) It was only £6.50 and I think it will last quite a while, so it's a pretty good price! I would definitely recommend it, and I think it's the perfect scent for anywhere really. I can imagine wearing this at a festival, or wearing it to a fancy dinner party with family! I really like this, and now I am sat here smelling my top as it's soooooo lovely :) 4/5

2. This is the Ted Baker London Body Spray. It comes in a simple bottle with a pretty, vintage pattern on the label which is quite sweet! Very girly, but it matches the scent quite well. *Sprays* When you first spray it, it has a really nice flowery, girly smell but after a few seconds it turns quite musty and woody as well. I like this perfume because it has a nice layer of scents which compliment each other really nicely - I sound like an old fashioned perfume chef saying that! I don't really know how else to explain it really, it has a gorgeous smelly smell. I'm going to write smell again. Smell. (This was only £5, and when you wear it you feel really classy - I like it a lot!) 4/5

3. This Soap & Glory Hand Maid Gel. I think the name's a bit much as it's simply hand sanitizer, but oh well! The bottle it small and cute, perfect size for your handbag or pocket! It's a very signature Soap & Glory packaging, as it is pink and stands out, even though it's not very big. For £2.50 it's more pricey than a regular hand sanitizer, but it has a really nice smell and doesn't feel all gross and gooey after you've applied it. *Rubs hands together slightly evilly with the product* It's quite a strong smell so you can't subtly apply it while on the bus or anything, but it is really nice and fruity. Personally, I think it's too pricey to be an essential hand sanitizer, but occasionally it is a really nice product to buy. I'm only giving this 3/5 as it is too expensive, but apart from that, it is great!

4. This is Soap & Glory Body Buff. So far I have never tried this so I can't give a full review, but let me try give you some details. It reads: Soap & Glory Scrub 'Em and Leave 'Em body buff with Babassu Oil and Sea Salt. It smells really sweet and earthy, it's quite hard to explain as it isn't their usual smells a bit biscuit-y! Rather than a smooth lotion or anything, it's a product you have to scoop out of the pot...there are little exfoliating beads inside which are pink, so it looks pretty good! I'm looking forward to trying this, and i'll have to do a proper review after trying it a few times. Judging a book purely by its cover, i'd rate this 4/5. Watch this space!

Thanks for reading, I am now feeling slightly sick as I am surrounded by so many sweet smells now! I should probably leave the room soon...hope you enjoyed this mini haul/review post, I may do a youtube video about it soon if you want to check out my channel! (LottieRa2197)

Let me know if you have tried any of these products and what you think of them. If there are any new products you think I should review or anything, let me know in the comments!


Tuesday, 19 February 2013

School Makeup Routine

Hello to you!

Today i'm doing to be writing (well, typing) about some makeup ideas for school, and what I personally wear at school. This is the list of basic makeup that you can personally pick & choose from for your makeup routine! (In advance, in no way I am an expert in makeup...I just chuck in on my face and hope it doesn't look too bad! Haha)




Liquid/Pencil Eyeliner



Now I know there are loads of makeup thingy-mabobbies I could include, but you really don't need more than this for school. Ok so this is what makeup I wear to school!


Foundation (I don't always wear it, only if my skin looks really bad or something!)
Rimmel Wake Me Up Foundation

Powder (even if you don't wear foundation, I like wearing a bit of powder just to stop your skin looking shiny)
Natural Collection in Light/Medium

Blusher (if i'm wearing a bit more makeup than usual, i'll use a light blusher because you don't want to make the colour too strong - you'll end up looking like a clown!)
Soap & Glory Love at first Blush


Mascara (I must say, I wear a ridiculous amount of mascara - In year 8 I used to wear 6 or 7 different types mascaras and wore about 12 coats! Nowadays I don't overdo it as much, but I still wear a lot.)
Soap & Glory Thick & Fast Mascara

Eyeliner (Always be careful to not overdo the eyeliner or you could end up looking like a raccoon!)
Liquid Eyeliner - Soap & Glory
Pencil Eyeliner - BarryM Kohl Eyeliner in Black

Eyeshadow (I prefer to go for neutral colours as bright colours can look really tacky if you put on too much)
MUA 'Glamour Days' Eyeshadow Palette


Lipgloss (Now if I had a choice of big eyes or big lips, I would go for big eyes but I do have a surprising amount of lip products. I only really wear lipgloss on school days, but occasionally i'll wear a more 'nude' colour lipstick...nothing too bright!)
Lip Balm - Miss Sporty Dr Balm
Lip Gloss - Natural Collection in Cherry Drop
Lipstick -BarryM

So that's it I think, thanks for reading! Leave a comment letting me know what your school makeup favourites are, and feel free to give me some post requests/ideas as i've been quite busy recently and haven't been able to think of blog posts to do!


Sunday, 17 February 2013

Interior Design - My room

Hello to you!

I'm supposed to be packing right now, but I got sidetracked as I realised I haven't posted in a few days. :( Today i'm just going to be posting a few pictures of my room as I have actually cleaned it for once! Hope you like, i'll make a longer post about this sometime but I need to get back to packing. Hope this gives you some room ideas! (My room is still a work-in-progress but these pictures are just a few parts of my room that I liked.) Enjoy!


p.s. My grandad got a new puppy! She's called Holly and she is sooooo cute. I've added a picture of her at the end!

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Makeup and other products to keep in your school bag...

Hello to you! Back so soon?

Today i'm going to be doing a post about what makeup and products you should keep in your school bag, either for touch-ups or use in general. Anyway, these lists will vary for each person so if you like this idea then you can adapt it to your style. Also I apologize for the awful quality pictures, I could get decent lighting anywhere but I tried my best.

Anyway, here goes nothing!

So this is some of the stuff I keep in the front pocket of my bag:

  • Boots Own - Makeup wipes
  • Collection 2000 Mascara (don't know the name of it, sorry!)
  • Natural Collection Lipgloss - Cherry Drop
  • Eyelash Curler
  • Rimmel Eyeliner Sharpener
  • Soap & Glory Kick Ass Concealer
  • Barry M Kohl Eyeliner, black and white
  • Carex - Original hand sanitizer

So I always try to keep makeup wipes in my bag in case you need them. This could be because your makeup has melted on your face during P.E, or simply because you made a mistake while re-applying makeup. I just find it useful because you never know when you might need them, so it's always good to have some...even if you don't wear makeup! You could be your friend's life-saver ;)

Glasses/Contact lense solution - now I know some people have perfect vision (i'm ever so jealous if you do) but if you are blind like me, it's always good to keep your glasses with you. I don't wear my glasses all the time, and normally I forget them when I need them most. If you keep them in the front of your bag, you can grab them when you need them without having to squint! Believe me, squinting is a bad look. I know only too well. I used to wear contact lenses every day, but sometimes they can dry up a bit or your eyes can be feeling sore so having contact lense solution on hand is a great idea.

Lipgloss - I always have lipgloss with me in school because it's a staple beauty product! Whether your lips are dry or you just want to have shinier lips, lipgloss is the way forward! This is probably one of the only makeup products you can apply all the time in lessons without getting in trouble because you don't need a mirror to do it and if you play your cards right, you can convince your teachers it's lip balm. This is a school bag essential!

Mascara - This is another staple beauty products as even one coat of mascara can brighten up your eyes. If you tend to run late going to school like me, apply this in the car or bus - just be careful, you don't want to be applying it while you're on a bumpy road, you could end up with it in your eyes! And if you don't have makeup wipes with you, it could be a DISASTER. You don't want to go into school looking like a panda!

Eyelash Curler - you don't necessarily need this with you, but they are quite nice just to give your eyelashes some extra oomph. (Yes I did just say oomph - it's a great word!) I used to believe that eyelash curlers didn't make much difference but they really do. The best thing about eyelash curlers is you don't need to fork out loads of money to get a good quality one - the one i'm using at the moment was in a christmas cracker! (Side note - just make sure it isn't so cheap that it will ruin your eyes...if the cushion-y part on the eyelash curler isn't good enough, there is a potential risk that you could slice your eyelashes in half. Trust me, no amount of mascara could fix that! If this has also happened to you, you will know that they take 3-4 months to grow back to regular size. If you are really scared about slicing your eyelashes off then you can get a more expensive one, but for 99% of the time they work exactly the same.)

Once again, this is not a necessary product really. If you tend to wear pencil eyeliner and re-apply it a lot during the day, you might want on of these! This is my Rimmel eyeliner sharpener, (NOT the same as a pencil sharpener - don't make this mistake!) and I keep it with me because I hate using blunt eyeliner. This isn't really one you need in your makeup bag but if you have the room, you might as well bring it! (Go big or go home ;) but seriously, if you carry all your makeup with you then you might as well have this with you too)

Eyeliner pencils - obviously if you don't wear eyeliner then you won't need this, but it's quite good to keep one with you for re-applying - pencil eyeliner gets quite smudgy throughout the day, and if you don't have your eyeliner with you then it will just all come off. I have a white eyeliner which I apply to my waterline as it really brightens up your eyes! This is another thing I would probably apply in the car, because if you wake up 10 minutes before you leave the house like me, it's probably best you use some simple eye-brightening makeup don't want to look like a zombie all day! It really does make a big difference to your face.

Concealer - This is my soap & glory concealer which is quite worn down now! I think concealer is really good to keep in your school bag because it really makes you look more awake and blemish free :) even if you don't wear foundation, concealer is really good just to cover up small things like uneven skin pigmentation, spots and even a few freckles if you want! It's a school bag must have :)

Hand sanitizer - for school days, this is definitely something you'll want in your bag. I don't know what I would do without it. Hand sanitizer is perfect for everyday school occasions. Whether it's touching year-old gum under the desk, using the horrible soap in the girl's toilets, or even accidentally brushing your hand across the arm of the creepy guy sat next to you on the bus while reaching for the stop button...all of these events will leave you reaching for the hand sanitizer. You'll thank me later.

Thankyou for reading, I've been checking up on my page views and it says I have some readers from across the world! That's pretty exciting! Most people are from England like me, but there are also people from the USA, Canada and Germany! Hello to all of you! 

I hope this has maybe given you some ideas of what you would like to keep in your school bag. Anything else you would keep in your school bag? Do you bring your makeup bag to school with you? Let me know in the comments!


Tuesday, 12 February 2013

6 Wardrobe Must Haves 2013...

Hello to you!

I want to make a quick post about some must-have things that i'm sure will be around a LOT more this year. Quite a few of these clothes were around last year too, but some trends stick around for ages! Ok so here's my current list...

  • Statement Blazers
Stripy, bright, fluffy, you name it...I saw a lot more statement balzers at the end of 2012, and i'm sure this trend will be sticking around for quite some time. At the moment I would love to own a bright blue blazer and a black/white striped. Love them!
  • Studs on clothes
Everyone's been wearing studs for the past few months, and sometimes they can look great! If you like this kind of style then make sure you don't go too overboard. Studs on the collar are nice and subtle but recently i've seen people wearing cropped bralets COVERED in studd. It's quite scary really, and it makes it impossible to hug anyone if you're wearing one!
  • Aztec-style patterns
This style comes and goes quite regularly now, and we saw it throughout a lot of last year but people still haven't got tired of it! I think if you wear it right, it can look great...just try not to clash prints if you don't want your outfit ending up as a disaster. Some people can pull it off, but it's a very risky thing to try so unless you have 100% confidence in your outfit, I wouldn't go for it. 
  • Dipped-Hem dresses and skirts
If you don't know what i'm talking about, these are the kind of dresses that are short at the front and get longer at the back. Personally I love these as they add a really simple more 'feminine' touch to any outfit. This type of clothing can be worn dressed up or dressed down! That's what is great about them. If you don't own a skirt like this already, I would recommend you go out and buy one while they're still fashionable. If not, wait and get a more vintage patterned skirt like would look really retro ;)
  • Vintage Shoes
Personally I love love LOVE vintage shoes! I am so glad they are coming back into fashion because they are cute but so elegant to wear. My current school shoes are a black pair of brogues which are quite vintage, and I am slowly but surely increasing my shoes collection as there are so many more options I like now! (Side note - I have size 3 feet which are really narrow, so if you have quite large or wide feet I wouldn't suggest vintage shoes - some pairs will make your feet look square. BUT brogues can make any sized feet look good so if you have bigger feet but still love vintage like me, I would suggest you get a pair yourself!)

  • Disco Pants
So far, I don't own a pair of these yet as they are a bit more expensive then any old pair of trousers, but you can team them up with anything and I think they would be a great casual look at festivals. Anyone know a good place to get some a bit cheaper? I've already spent all my money on beauty products and online shopping so I don't have enough for more clothes! 

Thanks for reading! Any other things you think will be coming back into fashion this year? Or anything you would like to come back into fashion? How many of these are in your must have wardrobe already? Let me know in the comments! 


Monday, 11 February 2013

Beauty Quiz: 42 Questions!


1)How many times do you wash your face daily?
Depends, once or twice a day as normally I rush to school in the morning and don't have as much time as I would like to focus on skincare :)

2)What skin type do you have?
I used to get quite oily skin but recently I have noticed my face has been quite dry, so I would say combined.

3)What is your current facial wash?
Tea Tree foaming face wash. Except I left it at Angie's and my sister poured most of it down the sink :/ need to buy some more...

4)Do you exfoliate?
I didn't used to that much, but now yep :)

5)What brand do you use?
St Ives Invigorating Apricot Scrub. Luuuurve it.
(Read my review on it HERE)

6)What moisturiser do you use?
Simple Oil Balancing moisturiser :)

7)Do you have freckles?
Some, but they're very weird.

8)Do you use eye cream? 

9)Do you or did you have acne prone skin?
I feel very lucky to say no to this. Like everyone, I do get the occasional spot but my parents both had very clear skin when they were younger so i'm the same :D I try not to take it for granted because I know spots are a pain in the butthole!

10)Did you ever have to use Pro-Activ?


11)What foundation do you use?
I don't regularly wear that much foundation because my skin isn't too bad, but recently I bought the Rimmel 'Wake me up' foundation which was really nice. (Inspired by the lovely Zoella!)

12)How about concealer?
I use 2. The first one is Soap and Glory Kick Ass Concealer which is totally AMAZING, i'll have to do a review of it soon! and the second one is Collection 2000 Lasting Perfection, once again inspired by Zoella. I haven't used it enough to give an honest review but i'll let you guys know what I think about it in a few months :)

13)Do you know your undertone colour?
Haha not really, I think it's kind of peach?

14)What do you think of fake eyelashes?
Hmmm, depends...when they are put on well and are quite subtle, they can look lovely but if they are too obvious, chances are the poor girl wearing them ends up looking like a camel.

15)Did you know you were supposed to change your mascara every 3 months?
Yes but normally I don't! Woopsies. 

16)What brand of mascara do you use?
Normally Soap&Glory (Thick and Fast) but it's a bit too expensive to be repurchasing every few  I switch between some haha! At the moment I am using a Collection 2000 mascara, but i'm not quite sure of the name. It has gold stripes on the lid, but most of them have worn off...any ideas readers?

17)Sephora or Mac?
Mac as I have never used Sephora personally.

18)Do you have a Mac Pro card?
I wish!

19)What makeup tools do you use in makeup application?
brushes and sometimes sponges? depends.

20)Do you use makeup base/primer for the eyes?
I didn't used to but recently I bought one online from E.L.F which works quite well, I only use it if I know i'll be putting on a lot of eyemakeup. Usually i'll skip it if it's just a school day or something!

21)For the face?
^Ditto answer above.^

22)What is your favourite eyeshadow? Colour or shade?
At the moment it's by MUA, and it's called 'Glamour Days'. The top row of colours are pretty bright, and the bottom row are more neutral.

23)Do you use pencil or liquid liner?
Both. Depends what i'm doing.

24)How often do you poke your eyes with an eyeliner pencil?
Never. Probably not since 2011 or something like that.

25)What do you think of pigment eyeshadows?
I can't get enough of them! But they get everywhere. Even on my cat Daisy.

26)Do you use mineral makeup?
Sometimes. If I do, it's normally from E.L.F.

27)What is your favourite lipstick?
Barry M, I don't remember what colour ;) I change my mind on the colours a lot!

28?How about lipgloss?
Natural Collection in Cherry Drop :) it's pink and sparkly, and was the last one in stock when I went to Boots! MEANT TO BE.

29)What is your favourite blush to use?
Soap and Glory, Love at first blush :)

30)Do you buy your makeup on Ebay?
Never ever ever. Ever.

31)Do you like drugstore makeup?
Like superdrug makeup? Yeah, it's like Boots but cheaper ;) haha, I dragged one of my best friend's into Superdrug for about an hour and a half! It probably felt like 3 hours to her...oh the joys of having a friend that doesn't love makeup as much as you do. Sigh.

32)Do you go to CCO's?Cosmetic Company Outlet?

33)Do you ever consider taking makeup classes?
No, I only would if this became a strictly beauty-based blog :) which it isn't!

34)Are you clumsy in putting on makeup?
Not normally, only if I was extremely tired...or drunk. Joking! I can be clumsy with my mascara as I often do it in the car so it gets in my hair. EW.

35)Name a makeup crime that you hate?
Girls not rubbing in their foundation properly, and orange tide lines on the side of their face! They look like they've fucked a wotsit. Let's face it, that's never a good look.

36)Do you like colourful shades of makeup (lipstick or eyeshadow) or neutral ones?
Normally I go for neutral for school and events, but at festivals I tend to go for the eye popping colours!

37)Which celebrity always has great makeup?
Please don't judge me on this, but Kim Kardashian's makeup is always flawless.

38)If you could leave the house using just ONE makeup item, what would you use?
Mascara, because it can make anyone's eyes bigger in an instant!

39)Could you leave the house without any makeup on?
Of course, but if i'm having a bad skin day then i'd rather not! Haha :)

40)Do you think you look good even without any makeup on?
Well on school days or regular days, I don't tend to wear loads anyway so I doubt I would look very different. Everyone feels more confident with a bit of makeup on, so I would say it's all down to the way I act with and without makeup on.

41)In your opinion what is the BEST makeup line?
Tough choice...i'm not one of those people that stick to just one brand because I can't control myself, but...the Soap and Glory makeup range always stands out for me. I know they are not strictly makeup, but they do have a cosmetic range. (Collection 2000 comes second because it's normally pretty affordable yet the makeup works well, and Barry M 3rd because I love it...ahhhh too many makeup brands, too many reasons!)

42)What do you think of makeup?
When it's done well, I love it and it can completely transform some people but...when someone clearly doesn't know how to put makeup on properly, I feel an overwhelming urge to attack them with a makeup wipe.

Ok so thank-you for reading, and well done if you actually read it all the way through as this was quite a long post! I hope you feel you have gotten to know me a bit better make-up wise now :) Feel free to leave your own answers to some of these questions in the comments! I wanna hear what you think!

P.S: I just looked at this post in a preview and some of the writing has come up in different font sizes. Sorry if this has happened with you, but nothing appears to be wrong on the draft so I can't fix it! You can probably still read it all though, so not to worry :)


How to customize your school uniform!

Hello there! Right, so if you go to a school like me where the rules are strict, here are some tips on how to customise the uniform. Before I start, i'll show you the list of uniform rules we have. (Just saying, this is for girls as if you don't know already, I AM a girl.)


- Black school blazer with school logo.
- School Tie
- Plain black trousers which do not trail on the floor. (not leggings, skinny jeans or trousers, stretch, baggy, flared or bell bottoms, canvas or corduroy)
- Girls may wear a black knee length skirt instead of trousers if preferred (no pattern or additional colours visible on the skirt) in an A-line or straight style. If belts are worn they should be narrow and plain black with a normal buckle. Logos on belts are unacceptable.
- Plain white shirt with collar and buttons up to the neck (not polo shirt).
- Plain black socks or plain black tights may be worn.
- Black or white headscarf for Muslim students.
- Black footwear (no coloured marks or logos, no flip flops, ugg boots or high heels)
- (Optional) royal blue cardigan or V meck jumper.
- Only one pair of stud earrings and a watch may be worn as jewellery.

Phew! As you can see, there are quite a few uniform rules here. BUT HAVE NO FEAR! Some of these rules you can get round, and there are some more creative ways of customising your school uniform.

This is a list of things you can get round in your uniform rules:

- Certain earrings
- Shoes (will explain how)
- Socks
- Belts
- Tights
- Buttons

Earrings - just because they have to be small studs doesn't mean they can't be interesting. Wear small patterned earrings or little shapes like triangles. Or you can wear smaller sparkly ones in different colours as they are cute but practical! See what you can do with them :)

Shoes - as you probably know, I have a love for vintage so for my school shoes I have black brogues. BUT, if you have shoes with laces, you can change them to black ribbons instead! Warning in advance, if you do this then you shoes will probably become untied quicker but it's a really sweet way to change up your uniform.

Socks - even if you are supposed to wear plain black socks, chances are the teachers won't really care/notice if you wear neon pink socks with zigzag patterns like I do...but if you ARE told to wear normal socks, you can try to get away with wearing stripy socks or something quite subtle.

Belts - personally I don't wear belts, but you could wear black belts that are threaded and have patterns in. If your shirt covers up your belt, you can test your limits and see what kind of belts you get away with wearing!

Tights - now the teachers will be more strict with tights, so you should try and stick to black/navy tights. Most people get away with a subtle zigzag pattern or something not too noticeable, but if I were you I wouldn't try and push the teacher on this one too much. Also, always keep a spare pair of tights with you - a big ladder across the back does NOT look good!

Buttons - now this is the fun part. In about 95% of school uniform policies, they will not mention buttons. If you wear a blazer like me, take off your normal buttons and replace them with fun ones! (Experiment with them, see if you can get the matching the school colours...that would be great!) If you are a sewing noob like me, get a parent or someone that can sew to put the buttons on for you. If you do get caught out with these, either say the following:
- My other buttons came off and these were the only ones I could find.
- It doesn't say anything about it in the school policy so I thought it would be okay.
- (This is only if the button colours match your school colours) I was trying to be creative with my uniform and after all, these do match the school colours while still looking individual!

If none of these work, apologise and tell the school you will sort it out ASAP. If you still want to be individual, either try it again but more subtly a few months later. (If you were caught out first time, teachers will probably keep their eye on you for a few weeks!) OR you could decorate your bag with badges and ribbons if you still want to be individual. One of my best friends decorated the strap of her bag with badges so it looked like they were on her blazer, but she couldn't get in trouble for it! Win Win!

A few other points:
- You can wear tops underneath your school shirt, or coloured vest tops but leave them untucked so they make your uniform cute :-)
- Wear colourful hairbands on your risk, you can't be told to take them off as you need them for P.E! (in the pictures I am wearing quite plain ones but you don't have to do this)
- Get trouser with buttons on the side, I buy mine from New Look :) it makes them slightly different and more quirky!

I hope this post has helped you out and given you some ideas on how to customise your school uniform, and i'll he making a youtube video about this sometime if you want to see how some of it's done. (My youtube channel is LottieRa2197) Thanks for reading! Do you customise your uniform? Any other interesting ways to stand out in uniform? Let me know in the comments!


Sunday, 10 February 2013

Product Review - St Ives 'Invigorating' Apricot Exfoliator

Well hello again! Fancy seeing you here.
Well at the beginning of the month I went to superdrug with my sister Katie, and instead of buying the usual stuff I bought lots of travel sized bottles of skincare products. I don't really know what I was thinking at the time, but as it turns out, it was a good move! Today i'll be reviewing my favourite product of the lot, the St Ives exfoliator.

 (This is me trying to be arty and experimental with photography!)
 I bought the travel sized version as I always like to test the products before buying the full size. This 30ml bottle was only 99p, and I was surprised at how good it was!
 First of all, it came in a really nice colourful bottle. I know it sounds really shallow, but if the packaging is pretty...i'll probably buy it. I liked how they put the picture of the apricot at the top and it looks really cute in my little box of travel products!
 It has tiny little orangey-brown exfoliating beads on the inside and it doesn't feel too harsh on your skin while using it. I find with some exfoliators, it feels like your face is being scratched off because the beads feel really rough and horrible! With the St Ives exfoliator, it felt like it was working without actually damaging your skin.
 It can take a little while to get all the beads off but after I dried my face, my skin felt really fresh and so smooooooth! I am literally feeling my face while typing. Smoooooooooth.

Overall, I think this is a great product which I will definitely use again. I would recommend it to anyone that likes using skincare as it's a very nifty little product. (And yes, I did just say nifty. Judge me all you want.) Even if you are NOT a big fan or skincare products, I would recomment it as it only takes a few minutes! If you would still like to test the smaller version before buying the whole thing like I have, it's only 99p so if you don't like it, it's not a big deal! The smaller bottle is great for travelling or staying at someone else's house as it's compact and very cute ;)

Thanks for reading! If you would like me to review other products, let me know in the comments and i'll try my best to do it. What are your favourite skincare products? Do you have a morning/night beauty routine? Comment below!



So today i'm wearing my Soft Kitty top which I love, for anyone who doesn't know it's a song from Big Bang Theory :-) this top always gets commented on a lot when people see it! I love it >.<

Top - Gildan (online shop somewhere? Birthday Present)

Jeans - H&M £12.50 - skinny/boot cut :)

Good Golly my legs look ridiculously long here...i'm so short though!
